Monday, June 06, 2005

The BronxRiver Then And Now

Back in the 1800's the BronxRiver used to be runned by two Indian villages.Trains criss-crossed the Bronx River before it got it's name. The river was called Aquehung or, river of high blues. For a while in the 1840's the Bronx Valley turned into an industrial valley. It was used for producing paper, pottery, tapesties, barrels and stuff(powered by 12 Mills).

Recently me and my class just went on a trip to the BronxRiver. It's doing good but it still has the left overs from the industrial companies.In fact, some of the companies' buildings are still standing, but abondoned. When we went rowing it was relaxing especially since I was the captain of my boat. When we were rowing we saw facts of life today - an eagret and a duck. It's a good sign because that means that the river is get more cleaner - enough for a animal to live in the water.

There are restoration projects around the river.There is a program called Rocking the Boat. R.T.B is a program that allows students to test and tour the water.What they also do is have students build boats. They use these boats to go out rowing. Another thing that they do is try to see how the river is doing ,and by our recent trip, I can say that it is doing great.
